April 26, 2012

Sublime Escape This is me, stashed inside my pain, hiding, pushing back the deeply dark corners, inching in on me. Crawling, creeping, Silently planting refuse around my brain. Rest, breathe, breathe and pray. The air around, strains and punches, grappling, fighting my chest for release, burning my swollen throat. Squeezing, shoving, begging my lungs for release. Bathe me in healing prayer. Tired heart, screams in my chest, barely noticed, begging, crying for someone to hear, sinking quietly away. Weeping, gasping, dissolving me in my beautiful pain. Will this scar still ache tomorrow? Nothing left, bashed against the essence of me, clinging, holding tight, to my sublime escape, no one can take away. Cleaving, clutching, embracing the quiet voice, awakening my hope. Take me to breathe and rest and pray. Bathe me in your healing embrace. Hold my scars when they ache and moan. Take me to a place where your love and strength dance, a place where crimson flow washes white, over my bankrupt soul. Copyright 2011, Christi Armstrong

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