February 14, 2012

Response to the Christian Adoption and Orphan Care...

Fleas Biting: Response to the Christian Adoption and Orphan Care...: Law Professor and fellow Fleasbiting blogger David Smolin has recently posted a new article to his collection of adoption related articles a...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a very informative and spot on essay.

As a natural mother who upon finding my child was told that "god put him where he was supposed to be", (straight from his adopters mouths to his), it is refreshing and hopeful to read an essay that does not tout the breaking of biological bonds for the sake of people wanting an infant at all costs as being something so wonderful.

It was hardly wonderful and worth celebrating when I realized I had been conned and manipulated out of my infant with lies and false promises of a fraudulent open adoption. The good "Christians" closed it and stopped communicating for no other reason than the fact that I was a pure threat to their fantasy land of my child being born solely for "them" and their families. That is a sickening and dehumanizing fantasy, for both myself and my child...