July 17, 2008

Adoptee Rights Demonstration ~ 5 Days & Counting!

Seriously, you guys should rent "Iron-Jawed Angels" and watch it this weekend before the trip to NO ~ or in one of your rooms, together ~ it will definately give you "fire" for the importance of what you are doing.

I will be thinking about you all and praying for safety, great fun, and great success and favor with all the legislators and staff, and public.

I ran into a lady outside my public library today who was getting signitures on a ballot for a new law regarding non-partisanship. I told her about the fight for adoptee access and she said "Thank God!" She seemed very open...I think most people ARE very open and WANT us to have the same right as everyone else ~ it is just the elite business-side who have fought with all the power. BUT that is sooo changing, and I am awed by the efforts and work everyone here has put into this event. I just can't thank you enough for taking on the sacrifice of the WORK that it is going to take to make the difference. The fact that you didn't let others stop you or discourage you, that the numbers aren't as important to you as the issue and the passion ~ that is what is going to make the difference in the long run and is what is going to get the job of adoptee access legislation done. You are THE example of true leadership and change...I will so miss meeting everyone and being there.

Those of us who can't be there, we will be talking to our legislators here in our states (this is election year!) and not be silenced any longer.

You truly are heroes...thank you for representing millions of us in America...millions of our children....our mothers....our lives.

Please feel free to forward this press release to the media.



Attention Editors/Producers:


Adopted persons, their families and friends will be gathering in New Orleans for the National Conference of State Legislators for a demonstration on equal rights for adopted persons in the United States.

DATE: July 22, 2008

TIME: 11:30 am

DEMONSTRATION LOCATION: Lafayette Square Park New Orleans. The demonstration will begin at Lafayette Square Park marching 8 blocks to the National Conference of State Legislators being held at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Centre (900 Convention Center Blvd., New Orleans)

WEB SITE FOR DEMONSTRATION: www.adopteerights.net

In the United States only six states (Alabama, Alaska, Kansas, Maine, New Hampshire and Oregon) allow adopted persons access to their original birth certificates. We believe that that state governments are discriminating against a sector of the population by legally withholding personal information and documents from citizens, that all other tax-paying voting citizens are entitled to.

In no legislation or on any adoption contract does it state why an adopted person is not entitled to their own birth certificate. Opposition to adopted persons possessing their original birth certificates will present unsupported claims that a relinquishing mother has the right to privacy and to be protected from her daughter or son relinquished to adoption, therefore allowing a mother a lifetime of privacy and anonymity. The truth is that relinquishing mothers do not seal their children's original birth certificates - the original birth certificates are sealed by state governments.

The participants of the demonstration believe that every citizen of the United States should be treated equally. To do otherwise is discrimination. We would like all remaining states to introduce legislation that will allow adopted persons in the United States equal access to their original birth certificates.

We encourage your reporters to cover this story and event to help us bring public awareness to this demonstration in New Orleans.

Media contacts for New Orleans Demonstration

Kali Coultas
805 500-5317 (pst)
Cell: 805 607-2704
Michelle Edmunds
416 537-3977(est)

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