January 29, 2010

What Needs "Reformed"?

I'm not sure adoption as it is practiced today is "reformable". But here is a start:

*Immediate restoration of the right of all adult adoptees unconditional access to their original birth certificate.

*An immediate cease of all "fees" and exchange of money related to adoption. This creates a world-wide environment for corruption and gross conflict of interest permeating the adoption "system".

*Deeming illegal all marketing schemes such as "Dear Birthmother" letters and agency advertising for "recruitment" and "counseling" of mothers. Uniform regulation of all adoptions, no matter what type. It is a sad situation that adoption is one of the highest grossing industries in America that doesn't even require proper accounting or regulation.

For example, in my own state, the Office of Vital Statistics was approached to see if they would find it "financially feasible" to keep accurate accounts of the number of "amended birth certificates" they issue each year. They reported that this would be "too expensive" and that, in fact, some birth certificates they are receiving have been already changed to reflect the adoptive parents names rather than the name of the mother who actually gave birth, even before an adoption is finalized and an "amended" birth certificate is issued. Obviously the laws and policies surrounding adoption are geared for the benefit of those who make their living in adoption, rather than protecting the individuals they actually affect.

These are human rights issues affecting new generations of adoptees, not us "bitter, angry" adult adoptees who still fight for identity rights. If today's adoptees can't be guaranteed even a factual original birth certificate, "reform" needs to be replaced with a completely new paradigm in America regarding human rights.

This may sound "pie in the sky", but it shouldn't. It is the only way to right the wrongs that have been perpetuated against adoptees for decades. What a slap in the face to every adoptee who must still witness the fierce competition, recruitment and MONEY involved in adoption today. Adoption is a profound life-long loss. When will society realize adoptees are not commodities, we are people?

Adoption is nothing more than a supply/demand based, financially-driven industry in human lives. It isn't for the benefit of children, or basic civil rights would not remain in question, and society would not continue to tolerate (and even celebrate) the sappy-happy mindset of "building families" through advertising strategies with the goal of increasing the number of "available" children (supply) for adoption. All while true orphans (usually older children or those with disabilities)are passed over and left without.


  1. Awesome post Peach :)


  2. I think your last paragraph says it all. Great post ~ again!


  3. Absolutely agree with all you say on this subject.Those courageous enough to speak out need to keep shouting.
    As you know here in Oz we have had our rights for decades, but still we are often not heard in other ways.The fight is a long trying one but we have to keep on.Not just for us oldies but as you say for the young ones.
    I still am not quite understanding why in the States the legislation has so far to advance? Please can someone take the time if you can, to fill me in or direct me to a link where it will be clearer.
    Good wishes all.
